Saturday 27 February 2016

Photographer Research- Hannah Altman

Altman is a photographer from Pittsburg whom explores the female form and societies expectations of women through photography. 

Denotation- The image has been physically manipulated with ink and finger printing to create the appearance of bruises.
Connotation- Women are often victims of physical abuse.
Social, Cultural, Historical and Political meaning- This image raises social awareness of physical abuse.

Denotation- The image has been physically manipulated with ink and finger printing to create the appearance of bruises.
Connotation- Women are often victims of physical abuse the posing in this image also demonstrates the way in which the female form is often sexualised.
Social, Cultural, Historical and Political meaning- This image raises social awareness of physical abuse.

Denotation- A women is crying her tears are symbolised by blue glitter.
Connotation- Glitter is heavily associated with femininity and the fact that the woman is crying glitter tears demonstrates the fact that societies standards of beauty are distressing the woman.
Social, Cultural, Historical and Political meaning- This image focuses on the way in which  society pressures women to conform to it's unattainable standards of beauty.

Denotation- A woman has scraped her knees.
Connotation- The glitter in the image showcases femininity and shows that societies gender roles are being subverted by the fact that the woman has scraped her knees as women are supposed to be prim and proper opposed to being active.
Social, Cultural, Historical and Political meaning- Society dictates that women are not supposed to live active lifestyles.

Denotation- A naked woman is cutting her pink hair.  
Connotation- Long hair and the colour pink are commonly associated with femininity this demonstrates the way in which women are pressured to become less feminine in order to be successful. 
Social, Cultural, Historical and Political meaning- The social meaning behind this image is that people who wish to become successful should be less feminine.

Hannah Altman's work is largely orientated around her views on what it means to be a woman in todays world.  This is conveyed through her physical photography in which women are shown as weak and victims of abuse by men as well as in her images where glitter is used to display the ugly parts of femininity for example scraped knees and tears.    Altman is a widely varied photographer who's focus shifts to different areas and techniques with every series that she completes, this versatility is part of what draws me to her work as it shows that she is incredibly flexible in her work and is willing to alter her style in order to change the way in which she can convey her views to her viewers.  This ability to change and alter her style keeps her work fresh and exciting and prevents her from running out of areas to explore.

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