Friday 26 February 2016

Photographer Research- Liora K

Libra K. is a feminist photographer from America who is both influenced by her fine arts background and interest in activism.


Denotation- A woman with a political slogan written on her arms.
Connotation- Shows that women desire equal rights for men an women the fact that the slogan is written across the arms shows her strength.
Social, Cultural, Historical and Political meaning- The political context for this image is that women are equal to men and do the same work so deserve the same pay.

Denotation- This woman has the words "the right to safety written across her arms.
Connotation- The fact that this woman has her arms across her face in a protective stance suggests that she was a victim of domestic abuse.
Social, Cultural, Historical and Political meaning- This image is culturally and socially relevant as many domestic abuse victims are still judged heavily as there is still stigma surrounding this issue.

Denotation- A woman with the words "I didn't ask to be raped written across her legs".
Connotation- The placement of the text on this image creates sexual imagery due to the position of the female form.
Social, Cultural, Historical and Political meaning- This image is critiquing rape culture and the fact that may will argue that women wanted to be raped based on their outfit etc.

Denotation- A man with the a message about sexism written across his stomach.
Connotation- The fact that the message is written across a mans stomach demonstrates that sexism hurts everyone.  The man also goes against societies standards of beauty.
Social, Cultural, Historical and Political meaning- The social connotations of this piece are that equal rights would benefit everyone and that sexism is not just a woman's issue.

Denotation- Two women with feminist writing on their backs.

Connotation- The writing on the women's backs questions the way in which society often prioritises men over women and contains the sentiment that women deserve rights to live a life of the same quality as men.

Social, Cultural, Historical and Political meaning- The social meaning of this is that men still have better rights than women in many cases for example political influence and the wage gap.

Liora K.'s feminist work focuses on the way in which women's bodies are often objectified and as a way to counter that uses women's bodies as a canvas and allows the women to embrace them opposed to letting men them be controlled by men.  Liora's work is particularly interesting due to the fact that it includes men which is a somewhat unusual occurrence amongst feminist photographers.  The bold black and white images and statement use of the female form give Liora a truly unique and engaging style that brings home a variety of peoples views of why they need feminism which is something that I would like to explore in my images.

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