Wednesday 13 April 2016

Boys toys- Work record

Basic information:
Date: 12/04/16
Camera used: Nikon D5300
Props or subject: Props
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 1/125, F9, ISO 200

Plans for shoot:
I need this shoot I will be photographing stereotypically male objects that will be coloured pink in order to represent the the fact that people do not have to restrict themselves to societies views on gender.

What I hope to achieve:
This shoot will revisit the concept of "Pink and Blue however I will be altering the colouration of the objects opposed to the background in this shoot due to the fact that I had issues with the saturation and brightness of the images.  I will also attempt to create more dynamic and engaging compositions.

I will be using a deep depth of field once again in order to allow for the entirety of the subject to be in focus opposed to select objects in the foreground or background of the image.

This shoot is again inspired by Phebe Schmidt due to her use of colourisation to create a dramatic and surreal image however I will be deviating from her style due to the fact that I am no-longer employing the use of brightly coloured backdrops.

Outcome of shoot:
I was happy with the outcome of this shoot due to the fact that I feel that the chosen objects used in this shoot had strong links with societies generalised concepts of masculinity.

I believe that the composition of the images made the series eye-catching to the viewer.  I also feel that the combination of shades of pink helped to make the images stand out from each other as well as to help them not appear flat.  

When editing each of the images I increased the images saturation as well as altered the images hue in order to create a rich tone to draw the viewers eye in however I was careful to not oversaturate the images as this would have reduced the quality of the images.  I also increased the images brightness and contrast whilst slightly reducing the images lightness in order to make the objects in the images stand out from each other.  I have also used the spot healer tool in order to remove dirt marks from previous shoot on the white backdrop.

I had no real issue with this shoot as I feel that any issues which I had discovered in "Pink and Blue" were amended here.

The only thing I would alter if I were to repeat the shoot would be to attempt to add some different objects to the series which I could not easily access such as a pink foot ball or sports equipment and pink tools.

Favourite image:

This is my favourite image as I feel that the composition of the toys would draw people into the image I also like the variety of the hues of pink that I have used as I think that it prevents the image from appearing overly flat.

The toy soldiers which I have used directly contrast masculinity and feminism as toy soldiers are a traditionally masculine toy and pink is a traditionally feminine colour I feel that the traditionally masculine iconography employed effectively conveys my concept to the viewer.

Denotation: A collection of pink boys toys.
Connotation: This image strongly demonstrates the fact that boys should be allowed to have access to traditionally feminine things as it contrasts with the ideology that blue is for boys and pink is for girls an idea which is made stronger by the fact that this concept is introduced to people as children and these toys would have been played with by young children.
Context: The social context for this image is the current rejection of gender roles and acknowledgement of the fact that people and things do not have to fit the gender binary currently by societies youth.

Least favourite image:

This is  my least favourite image due to the fact that I feel that the image is largely empty due to the small number of objects present in the shot.

I feel that the use of hygiene products may not make the viewer think automatically of masculinity and that they may instead think of femininity which defeats the objective of this series which is to counteract gender roles.

Denotation: A collection of basic hygiene products which are coloured pink.
Connotation: This image should convey the rejection of gender roles through the colour of masculine objects in pink however I feel that use of hygiene products may make the viewer associate it with femininity which would go against my original concept.
Context: The context for this image is modern societies attempt to reject gender roles.

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