Friday 15 April 2016

Print techniques

Black and White-
This image was created as an experiment into possibilities with black and white photography.

This image attempts to convey the fact that both genders should be able to enjoy activities such as sewing due to the purple tone of the image which is supposed to show the combination of blue (masculine) and pink (feminine).

To apply duotone to an image first apply a grayscale to your image from the image mode menu.

Next select duotone from the image mode menu and then click duotone once you have completed this you will be presented with option to alter the colouration of the image do this and then click ok.

Colour select-
Experimentation with colour select.

Use the lasso tool to select the colour that you wish to preserve then from the select menu choose inverse.

Once you have inverted the selection you can alter the image without affecting your chosen colour for example yo could turn the rest of the image black and white or reduce the images saturation.

Joiner photography-
An experimentation into joiner style.
Firstly load the images that you wish to incorporate into your joiner into photoshop and then unlock the images backgrounds.

Create a new file using international paper of your desired dimensions and then insert your first image and resize it.

Then add and resize the rest of your images to change the order of your layers drag layers to the top or bottom of the layers window on the right hand side of the screen.

Finally to edit the entire image for example its saturation create a new layer and alter the levels until you are satisfied and then bring the layer to the top of the layer list so that it effects the entire image if you wish for layers to be unaffected place them above this layer.  Before saving crop any excess edges that you wish to remove.

Soft glow-
An exploration into soft glow and glamour editing.

Insert the image which you wish to edit.

Create a second layer and give it a new name.

Place this layer above your first/background layer.

Then select blur from the filter menu and apply the gaussian blue to the the new layer at a level which you are satisfied with.

To soften the blur alter the images opacity.

Then select the mask tool from the bottom of the right panel on the display.

Finally draw on to the mask using the pen tool (make sure black is set to the primary colour)  and the areas which are drawn on will remove the blur and focus.


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