Wednesday 2 March 2016

We are all the same- Work record

Basic information:
Date: 09/03/16
Camera used: Nikon D5300
Props or subject: Subject
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 1/125, F9, ISO 200

Plans for shoot:
In this shoot I will be taking a series of portrait images and then joining together different peoples portraits in photoshop to create an image of a merged face.

What I hope to achieve:
In this shoot I hope to achieve an interesting series of images by using my skills in photoshop to demonstrate the fact that people are all the same and therefore should not be discriminated against.

I aim to take close up images to the subjects face using a landscape orientation.  I will be using a landscape orientation opposed to square or portrait as I feel that this will allow my image to contain a cross section of the main part of the face which contains key facial features such as the eyes, nose and mouth and therefore features the most emotive parts of the face.  I will also experiment with wider shots to see if this is as effective.

This shoot is largely inspired by Ulric Collete's photography in which he takes people from the same family and joins their faces together using photoshop in an attempt to show the similarities between the subjects faces as a result of the fact that they are related.  

Outcome of shoot:
This was the first shoot which I had taken in my component 2 portfolio and there is merely the beginning of the exploration of my discussion on feminism.  

I encountered issues with the shoot as the subjects each stood a slightly different distance from the camera and were different heights and so had to have the tripod adjusted to their heights thus altering the framing of the images.  This inconsistency in framing lead to some of the images being unusable as they did not join up with any others in the series.

After finding images which I thought matched each other in face shape and size as well as subject framing sufficiently I began to put them into pairs which I thought complimented each other.  I edited the images individually by increasing their saturation and the contrast to enhance the faces and then altering the hue, saturation and brightness until I was satisfied with the appearance of the individual images.  Once the images were sufficiently edited I took one image from each of the previously selected pairs and aligned the key features until I was satisfied.

If I were to revisit this shoot I would choose subjects in pairs with similar face shape and size so that each of my subjects would have a predetermined partner before the shoot begins.  I would also consider placing a marking on the floor as well as checking that the subjects head has been correctly positioned before continuing with the next subject.  I may also consider shooting in portrait orientation to develop my portraiture skills.

Favourite image:

I like this image due to the way in which the two faces blend together due to their similar facial structure I find this particularly interesting due to the fact that the two subjects used are not related.

Denotation: A woman and mans face edited together.
Connotation: This image demonstrates the fact that everybody is the same on the inside no matter their gender as we are all just people.
Context: This image aims to show the similarities between the genders a topic which is becoming particularly relevant in todays society with the rejection of the gender binary.

Least favourite image:

This is my least favourite images as all though the composition of the images appeals to me for example I think the two subjects faces join together in an interesting way.  

I feel like if I were to revisit this shoot I may focus mainly on shooting combinations of male and female faces to better explore the differences and similarities between masculinity and femininity.

Denotation: This is an image of two women's faces joined together.
Connotation: This image demonstrates the fact that two women may have different views on gender norms and that it is not just an issue revolving around men and women.
Context: The context for this image is social and surrounds the idea that some women may be more masculine or feminine than others.

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