Friday 25 March 2016

Pink and blue- Work record

Basic information:
Date: 24/03/16
Camera used: Nikon D5300
Props or subject: Props
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 1/125, F9, ISO 200

Plans for shoot:
In this shoot I will be photographing items generally associated with masculinity against a pink background and feminine objects against a blue background.

What I hope to achieve:
In this shoot I hope to visible demonstrate the unecessary gendering of everyday items and the installation of gender roles from birth as pink is seen as for girls and blue is seen as being for boys.

I will be using a relatively deep depth of field in this shoot in order to allow each of the items that I will be positioning together in each image to remain in focus.  The viewers eye should be drawn to the objects in each image as they will stand out against the pink or blue background, in order to draw the viewers eye to the piece I will also be using dynamic composition in the hopes of engaging with the viewer.

This shoot has been influenced by Phebe Schmidt whom incorporates brightly coloured backgrounds in order to engage with her viewers and make her images appear more accessible and fun whilst still conveying an emotionally charged message.

Outcome of shoot:
I again had difficulty in this shoot with successfully lighting the pink backdrop due to its heavily saturated dark colour which makes the images appear very dark.  The blue backdrop however was largely successful due to its bright colouration as I have found in previous shoots.

When editing these images I have used brightening tools as well as adjusting the images light levels in order to make them appear more vibrant.  I also adjusted the images contrast, hue and saturation to make the objects stand out more agains the coloured background and even out tones.  

If I were to revisit this shoot I would definitely move away from the use of the pink background as I have never had success with it instead I may use the white background and show contrast in other ways.  I would also consider implementing a wider range of objects into the shoot in order to make more interesting compositions.

Favourite image:

This is my favourite image due to the way in which the objects have been composed the layering of objects and fluidity of the measuring tape leads the wye around the image from one object to another.  The relatively deep depth of field aids this by helping to keep the image in focus so allows for the eye to move freely around the image.

I also like the way in which the different colours contrast nicely against the baby blue particularly the pink of the thread and the needles as the contrast makes them stand out distinctly from the blue background.

Denotation: The image presents a collection of sewing supplies against a blue background.
Connotation: The blue background which is associated with masculinity and juxtaposes with the strong feminine ideology associated with sewing in attempt to convey that sewing should not be presented as a solely female hobby.
Context: This image attempts to discuss the fact that many activities such as sewing should not be gendered in todays society where we are beginning to move away from the gender binary.

Least favourite image:

This is my least favourite image due to the fact that the red of the tools does not give a good contrast to the pink of the background and instead of making the objects stand out their colouration instead makes them blend into the background and become lost in the image.

This image could also have been improved through the addition of more tools of different sizes for example the introduction of a larger tool such as a hammer may have made the images composition more engaging for the viewer.

Denotation:  This image presents a screwdriver and pair of pliers beside each other against a pink background.
Connotation: The pink of the backgrounds femininity contrasts with the masculine iconography of the tools to demonstrate the fact that activities do not have to be gendered.
Context: This piece is relevant today as todays's society is now more than ever attempting to move away from gender roles and the specific gendering of activities and ridicule of people who participate in activities which contrast with their gender.

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